In the modern digital age, smartphones have become our constant companions. We frequently keep them within arm’s reach even when we’re sleeping, scrolling through social media feeds before bed and checking email first thing in the morning. But there are a number of rising worries regarding the possible risks associated with sleeping with a phone next to you.

Why Is Using Your Phone While Sleeping Bad?

1. Disrupted Sleep: Research indicates that the blue light generated by phone screens can inhibit the production of melatonin, a hormone that is essential for controlling sleep. This may result in irregular sleep patterns, trouble falling asleep, and frequent awakenings.

2. Enhanced Cancer Risk: Some research suggests a possible association between mobile radiation and a higher risk of brain cancer. Although more thorough research is required, this possibility is still cause for concern.

3. Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Cell phones produce electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and some people are more vulnerable to their effects than others. These EMFs may cause headaches or other health problems and possibly interfere with sleep cycles.

4. Psychological Impact: You may find it stressful and distracting to constantly receive pings and notifications from your phone. This may make it more difficult to unwind and fall asleep, which may result in drowsiness and irritability during the day.

5. Addiction and Sleep Deprivation: If you check your phone right before bed and first thing in the morning, you may develop an addiction to it. Sleep deprivation and an unhealthy fixation on staying connected may result from this.

How to Use Your Phone While Sleeping Safely

Even though research is still in progress, it’s always a good idea to limit your exposure to potential risks. Here are some guidelines for using your phone while sleeping safely:

1. Turn off Notifications: To prevent interruptions while you sleep, turn off notifications and place your phone in aeroplane mode.

2. Charge Offset: To reduce your exposure to electromagnetic fields while you sleep, charge your phone in a different room.

3. Increase Distance: To lessen direct exposure to blue light and electromagnetic fields (EMFs), place your phone at least three feet away from your bed.

4. Make Use of Sleep-Tracking Apps: These apps can be used to track your sleeping habits and find any connections between your phone use and your sleep.

5. Seek Professional Advice: For individualized advice, speak with a medical practitioner if you’re worried about the health risks connected to cell phone use.

In summary
Even though research is still ongoing to determine the exact extent of the risks involved in sleeping close to your phone, it is always advisable to take precautions to reduce the likelihood of problems. You can protect your general well-being and prioritize getting quality sleep by developing healthy phone habits before bed.

Follow these guidelines by experts at Trucare Trust, a rehabilitation centre in Mumbai that will help you reset your sleep cycles.