Drug rehabilitation centre in Mumbai

As a family disease, addiction can be defined. It is a fact that the entire family suffers along with the addict. This is why professionals consider family treatment to be an integral part of the addiction treatment process. In order to understand the cause of the rise in addiction cases, it is necessary to understand that the tendency to become addicted is genetically transmitted. An investigation has been conducted to determine the exact reason for the rise in addiction cases.


With an addict in the family, there are a number of ways in which the family suffers. According to a study, one third of American families have at least one family member who has a substance abuse problem. Nuclear families account for about one-fourth of this problem. As a result, divorce, domestic violence, anxiety, child abuse, depression, and general health problems are more likely to occur in such families.


There is a belief that when an addict and his/her family get into the recovery mode, many symptoms of depression will disappear within a couple of years. However, the addict, the family, and the recovery professional need to be active participants We have an elite residential alcohol and drug rehabilitation centre in Mumbai..


It may be quite difficult to deal with addiction in the family as it’s quite difficult to see a family member in trouble, but one has to be strong enough to cope up with such troubles. Whenever someone in your family needs help, there are many important issues to explore. Before you do anything else, you need to figure out whether you’re contributing to the core problem or trying to eradicate it.


You may be contributing to the problem in the following ways:


Making yourself believe that you are responsible for the entire situation rather than taking care of yourself.


Getting judgmental towards the addict.


Covering up for and concealing the addict’s behaviour.


Doing things for the addict that they need to do on their own.


Giving up after some trials and accepting your lack of control.


Rather than taking care of the addict, pay attention to your own feelings & needs.


To deal with addiction, you need to know the following facts:


To help the addict break free from addiction, the family must suggest some actions.


In individual counselling, a professional provides some cool tips to get out of the situation and fight addiction bravely.


People who are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction are recommended a variety of detox treatments, which may be conducted in a hospital, clinic or even a treatment centre.


Some addictions require a specific type of medication. People addicted to smoking, for example, can benefit greatly from Nicorette.


Additionally, self-recovery groups provide special assistance to addicts. Addicts are taught how to maintain their self-esteem and recover from addiction.


A variety of out-patient facilities are also available where the addict can receive adept treatment. He must visit the facility regularly if he is to meet the program’s criteria.



Our team includes professional psychiatrists, physicians, clinical psychologists, counsellors, and nurses who are dedicated to providing 24/7 assistance. Furthermore, various activities such as yoga, meditation and art therapy are arranged to allow patients to relax in addition to helping enhance communication skills. We strive to offer the best support possible for every person at our rehab centre in Mumbai. We have a staff of professionals who will provide you with the best and the most advanced treatment techniques. Call us at 9167943134 and get help now.